Falseworkshop on Study/Struggle/Refuge, Berlin 2017

Falseworkshop on Study/Struggle/Refuge, Berlin 2017

Falseworkshop in Anticolonial and Antifascist Hospitality- Cashmere Radio + Transmediale Vorspiel 2017 (Materials)

An assemblage of texts, sounds, visuals, and silences composed by the collective will provide the structure for this radio and studio encounter with the intersecting imperatives of struggle and study today. This scene of aesthetic and political possibility, with several entry and exit points (also allowing participants to come and go at any time over the program) will invite participation through reading, writing, listening, and making, in order to work through each of our provocations to study and struggle, and what that suggests about the relations we are to have with each other in these times. 

The Falsework School, a project of Hic Rosa Collective, is a moving site of alternative community education in art, culture, and politics.